Posts by tag
cancer drugs
Drug repurposing: EU legislative changes could speed up new treatment options
The length of time it takes for each new cancer drug to reach the market – and more importantly, the patient – remains a cause of deep frustration particularly among those whose lives depend on accessing new options. Concrete data…
Pooled procurement of drugs saves millions for Indian cancer centres
A pilot project pooling the procurement of cancer drugs has led to cancer institutes in India saving over USS 116 million – an 82% average reduction on the drugs' reference prices. The results of the pilot project, led by Tata…
Childhood cancer: let’s close this equity gap of haves and have nots
Trying to improve the survival chances for children with cancer is the day-to-day work of Kidzcan in Zimbabwe. Support and advocacy groups in Western countries supplement the work of their health services. By and large, we are those services. We…
Most basic cancer drugs remain inaccessible in low- and lower-middle-income countries
Despite being available for more than 20 years, basic cancer drugs found to be most effective against the disease can still not be accessed by patients in most low- and lower-middle-income countries according to a new study. The paper, published…
Cancer drugs, costs and clinical benefits are not aligned
According to an international study just published in Lancet Oncology, the cost of new cancer drugs is not associated to the clinical value of the therapy: “In the USA and European countries, prices of cancer drugs should be better aligned…
Right drug, wrong patient: here’s how we improve our targeting
When it comes to precision and personalised medicine (PPM), clinical practice in oncology takes pride in developing and administering treatments that selectively target components of tumour cells. But, PPM is a model that also takes into account the inherent variability…