In the Hot Seat
Manfred Weber – chair of the European Parliament EPP group
Alberto Costa: How was Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan conceived and designed? Manfred Weber: The European Union is ultimately there to make the lives of Europeans better. For European politicians, this is our end goal. We know that with less than…
Stella Kyriakides: EU Commissioner for Health
When Stella Kyriakides took on the post of EU Health Commissioner in September 2019, Europe’s cancer community knew they could trust her to fight their cause. Within months she was launching a public consultation on Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. Then…
Solange Peters: ESMO President
The second woman ever to hold the ESMO presidency, Solange Peters brings to the role impressive clinical and research experience in lung cancer, one of the most challenging and fast-moving areas of oncology. Cancer World asked her about how ESMO…