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Low-dose aspirin reduces colorectal cancer recurrence in patients with PI3K alterations
Taking adjuvant low-dose aspirin daily for three years reduced recurrence of colorectal cancer by 55% in patients with somatic alterations in PI3K signalling compared to those taking placebo. The results of the ALASCCA study, presented at the 2025 ASCO Gastrointestinal…
Aspirin prevents colorectal cancer best in those with least healthy lifestyles
Regular aspirin may help lower risk of colorectal cancer most effectively in people who have greater lifestyle-related risk factors for the disease. The study, published in JAMA Oncology on 1 August, found that, to prevent one case of colorectal cancer…
Frequent aspirin use associated with ovarian cancer risk-reduction
Frequent aspirin (acetyl salicyclic acid) use is associated with lower ovarian cancer risk regardless of the presence of most ovarian cancer risk factors. The meta-analysis of data from two ovarian cancer consortia, published in Journal of Clinical Oncology, 22 July,…
Resistant starch equivalent to eating a daily banana cuts hereditary cancer risk
Consuming resistant starch (RS), also known as fermentable fibre, reduces the risk of non-colorectal cancers (non-CRCs) by nearly 50% in people with Lynch syndrome. The study, published in Cancer Prevention Research, 25 July, found that while resistant starch significantly reduced…
Aspirin cuts risk of death from a wide range of cancers
Taking aspirin together with cancer treatment results in reductions in death from cancer and all-cause mortality, both by around one fifth. The meta-analysis, published in ecancermedicalscience, (online 2 July), demonstrates benefits for aspirin across a range of cancers and shows…