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colon cancer
Low-dose aspirin reduces colorectal cancer recurrence in patients with PI3K alterations
Taking adjuvant low-dose aspirin daily for three years reduced recurrence of colorectal cancer by 55% in patients with somatic alterations in PI3K signalling compared to those taking placebo. The results of the ALASCCA study, presented at the 2025 ASCO Gastrointestinal…
Early menopause raises own risk of breast cancer and family members’ risk of breast, colon and prostate cancers
Women who experience primary ovarian insufficiency (menopause before the age of 40) are more than twice as likely to experience breast cancer as other women of similar ages. The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 12…
Dichloroacetate shows promise in treating cancer-related fatigue
Dichloroacetate, a drug targeting the metabolism, helped alleviate cancer related fatigue in mouse models of melanoma and colon cancer, reports a study published in the American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2 October. “This study tackles the long-understudied conundrum of…
Cardiorespiratory fitness reduces risk of developing and dying from cancer
Higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness may reduce the incidence and mortality of specific cancers in men. The Swedish male cohort study, published online in JAMA Open Network, June 29, found that higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness were associated with a…
IL-6 provides missing link between exercise and colon cancer protection
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) molecules released into the systemic circulation during exercise elicit biological effects limiting colon cancer cell proliferation. The UK study, published in International Journal of Cancer, 7 April, provides a potential mechanism of action explaining how regular physical activity…