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DNA methylation
Study highlights need to reanalyse genomics and genetics of metastatic tumours
Around one third of breast cancer patients showed molecular subtype shifts (especially involving luminal cancers) between their primary and metastatic tumours. The study, published in Nature Cancer, on December 30th, also revealed the presence of fewer immune cells in triple-negative…
Hope on horizon for blood test detecting unscreenable cancers
Multi-cancer early detection (MCED) tests offer a feasible approach for detecting 36 different types of cancer, over two thirds of which have no screening tests available. The PATHFINDER study, reported at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congress 2022,…
Abnormal collagen provides ‘invisibility cloak’ in pancreatic cancer offering new therapeutic targets
Cancer cells produce an atypical collagen in pancreatic cancer creating an extracellular matrix that influences the tumour microbiome to protect against immune responses. The study, published in Cancer Cell, July 21, suggests that such abnormal collagen could provide a new…