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Exercise boosts anti-tumour immune cells in people with breast cancer
Just 30 minutes of exercise increases the proportion of tumour-killing immune cells in the blood of people with breast cancer. The Finnish study, published in Frontiers in Immunology, 24 June, found that the proportion of CD8+ T cells and natural…
Increasing cardiorespiratory fitness reduces risk of prostate cancer
Increasing cardiorespiratory fitness rates by an average 3% a year or more is linked to a 35% reduced risk of men developing prostate cancer in comparison to those whose fitness levels declined by 3% over the same time period. The…
Exercise boosts quality of life in metastatic breast cancer
People with metastatic breast cancer taking part in a nine-month structured exercise programme report less fatigue and improved quality of life in comparison to controls. The study, abstract GS02-10, presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, held December 5–9,…
Prehabilitation programmes benefit breast cancer patients and save healthcare resources
Referring patients with early-stage breast cancer to exercise programmes prior to surgery not only improves health-related quality of life measures but also lowers overall healthcare costs. The study, abstract 1385675, was presented at the American Society of Breast Surgeons Annual…
Born to be walkers? How to stay healthy in a sedentary world
Humans have been endurance runners and walkers for at least 2 million years. Walking and running are our two main gaits. Whether we are more predisposed for the former or the latter is under debate. Studies carried out in the…
Obesity and cancer: 12 things clinicians and patients should know
The significant link that has been clearly established between obesity and risk of 13 types of cancer means that many patients in the ‘obese’ category can be offered an opportunity to improve their health and their prognosis. Currently, more often…
Multicomponent prevention strategy reduces risk of cancer
The combination of high-dose vitamin D, omega-3 and a simple home strength exercise programme (SHEP) reduced the risk of healthy adults aged 70 or older developing cancer by nearly two-thirds. The study, published in Frontiers in Aging, 25 April, showed that…
IL-6 provides missing link between exercise and colon cancer protection
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) molecules released into the systemic circulation during exercise elicit biological effects limiting colon cancer cell proliferation. The UK study, published in International Journal of Cancer, 7 April, provides a potential mechanism of action explaining how regular physical activity…
Study suggests prehabilitation should become standard of care in oesophageal cancer
Enrolling oesophageal cancer patients in prehabilitation exercise programmes can boost tumour regression during chemotherapy. The small study, published in British Journal of Sports Medicine (online 1 February, 2022), demonstrated improved pathological, radiological and immunological responses to chemotherapy for those in the…
Beating the odds in colorectal cancer
Stefan Gijssels beat the odds in colorectal cancer. Diagnosed with a cancer of the colon in 2015, a laparoscopic surgery intended to remove what was thought to be a locally contained tumour revealed something much nastier. The cancer had pierced…